Felix Chernousko

Dr. Sc., Professor
Born: May 16, 1938
Education: 1955 – 1961: Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 1961 – 1963: Postgraduate, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 1964: Candidate of Science in Physics and Mathematics 1969: Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics
Positions held: 1964 – 1968: Junior Researcher, then Senior Researcher at the Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences 1964 – 2002: Assistant, Lecturer, Professor of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 1968 – 2004: Head of Laboratory, Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Since 2002: Professor, Head of the Chair of Mechanics and Control Processes, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 2004 – 2015: Director of the Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 2015: Principal researcher, Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Membership: 1972: Member of the Russian National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1987: Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1992: Member of the Russian National Committee for Automatic Control 1992: Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences 1997: Foreign Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts 2002: Member of the International Academy of Astronautics 2002: Member of the European Academy of Sciences 2004: Foreign Member of the Academy of Engineering of Serbia and Montenegro 2011: Full Member of the Russian Academy of Engineering
Awards & Honours: 1961: Prize at the USSR Competition of students’ scientific works 1971: Leninsky Komsomol Prize (the major prize for young scientists in the USSR) 1971: Medal “For Valor in Labor” 1980: State Prize of the USSR 1993: Koerber Prize for European Science 1997: Medal “In Memory of 850 years of Moscow” 1998: State Prize of the Russian Federation 1998: Alexander von Humboldt Prize, Germany 2005: Chaplygin Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2008: Honorary Professor of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology 2009: Euromech Fellow, European Society of Mechanics 2010: Order of Friendship, Russian Federation 2011: Leonhard Euler Gold Medal, Euler Foundation 2015: Andronov Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2016: The Breast Badge “Valor in Engineering” of the Russian Academy of Engineering 2017: Honorary Member of the Serbian Society of Mechanics 2019: Ishlinsky Prize of the Russian National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Chernousko F. L., Bolotnik N. N., Figurina T. Y.
Optimal Control of Vibrationally Excited Locomotion Systems
2013, vol. 18, nos. 1-2, pp. 85-99
Optimal controls are constructed for two types of mobile systems propelling themselves due to relative oscillatory motions of their parts. The system of the first type is modelled by a rigid body (main body) to which two links are attached by revolute joints. All three bodies interact with the environment with the forces depending on the velocity of motion of these bodies relative to the environment. The system is controlled by high-frequency periodic angular oscillations of the links relative to the main body. The system of the other type consists of two bodies, one of which (the main body) interacts with the environment and with the other body (internal body), which interacts with the main body but does not interact with the environment. The system is controlled by periodic oscillations of the internal body relative to the main body. For both systems, the motions with the main body moving along a horizontal straight line are considered. Optimal control laws that maximize the average velocity of the main body are found.